Adult Confirmation


 Adult Confirmation

Confirmation is the final of the three Sacraments of Initiation -- Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. The celebration of Confirmation includes the Laying On of Hands and the Anointing with Sacred Chrism (consecrated oil). Confirmation stirs up the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and strengthens us for action in our Church and our world.


Adults who are baptized Catholic, have celebrated First Communion, but have not celebrated Confirmation are candidates for Adult Confirmation. They are technically not part of RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. They typically have a separate preparation process.


The Archdiocese hosts a celebration of Adult Confirmation each year on Pentecost Sunday (May/June) at the Cathedral with one of the Bishops. Adult Confirmation may also take place at the parish and with the local pastor.


To know more, please contact Liz Kuhn at the Parish Office at (262) 691-1535 or