Parish Cemetery Committee
Role The parish cemetery committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Finance Council regarding the care and practice of the parish cemetery. In some situations, this committee may be responsible for more than one cemetery. In those cases, the committee should seek to develop common or uniform practices at all the cemeteries.
The committee should implement and follow the Parish Cemetery Guidelines which have been reviewed by the Priests' Council, parishes with cemeteries, and approved by the Archbishop. These guidelines will assist the committee and those who work directly with cemetery operations in every aspect of operating a cemetery. Additional resources are available from the diocesan cemeteries office.
It is important to note that most parish cemeteries are part of the overall parish ministry. Even though the cemetery may function with a certain sense of autonomy, all financial and ministerial activity is under the supervision and direction of the pastor or administrator. The cemetery operation is subject to all the financial controls and practices of the parish.
Any questions regarding legal matters should be referred to the Chancery Office.
Membership The pastor or a delegate should attend the parish cemetery meetings.
Other members from the parish should be selected because of their knowledge of cemetery operations or interest in the parish cemetery.
Areas of Responsibility
The parish cemetery committee is responsible for the following tasks:
- Assist with the operation and care of the parish cemetery.
- Establish procedures and practices for the sale and recording of lots, funding for perpetual care, grave markers and decorations, and cemetery visitation for review by the councils and approval by the Finance Council.
- Monitor the financial controls, budget, and practices of the cemetery to ensure the diocesan guidelines and state law are followed.
- Keep current with cemetery trends and developments in order to make certain that the cemetery is a vital ministry within the parish community.
- Participate in formational opportunities regarding cemeteries which are offered by the diocese.
Please contact the Parish Office at (262) 691-1535 if you are interested in being part of this committee.